Best Album Art of 2023


Best Album Art of 2023

Have you ever bought or streamed an album simply because the cover caught your eye? It’s an experience most of us have to some degree, and can be both disappointing and incredibly rewarding. A good album cover captures the essence of what the album is about and how it sounds, translating sounds into visual art. It’s the old adage about how writing about music is like dancing about architecture; it’s really difficult to make a piece of artwork that captures a band and their music, but these 20 album covers featured today do just that with aplomb.

Today we honour the artists behind the bands. For every one of our favourite album covers, we tried our very best to track down the artist(s) that did the cover art. If you like what you see, please take the time to follow them on Instagram.

La Sécurité - Stay Safe!

Album artwork by Melissa Di Menna

Imogen Moon - When They Start Rebelling

Art Direction and Design by Simon Paul

Photography by @dollheadfamus

D. Blade - Home Recordings 19-23

Album Art by Daniel Blade and Devon Acuna

Photo by Linda and Stamford Blade

Astro Syte - Tanda

Album artwork by Patrick Tanda