Bandcamp Day Suggestions

Today marks the day before “Bandcamp Day!”

Among the music community, the first Friday of each month has come to mean a lot. On this day - each month since the pandemic began - Bandcamp has been forgoing the collection of their service fees for all music sales on their platform. This means, if you buy something on Bandcamp on the first Friday of each month, the artist will receive 100% of proceeds.

This is a big deal.

With Spotify continuing to make headlines for exploiting the music community, it’s refreshing to see a corporate entity actually doing something to help musicians. It’s for this reason that the Cups N Cakes Network has decided we need to make a bigger deal of this day.

Recently, Cups N Cakes founder, Jeff MacCallum, was interviewed for Sean Newton’s “Inside The Artists Studio” podcast where he discussed how musicians have always been used by the rich to get richer (ahem!… Spotify!…), and how he believes it has created an underlying culture where musicians have an involuntary understanding that their art is not worth monetary reward. We hope to help change this.

So… Bandcamp… We salute you!

And we salute Canadian independent musicians.

From now on, every day before Bandcamp Day, the Cups N Cakes Team will be giving you suggestions on the releases they think you should purchase on the first Friday of the month to help support Canadian music.

Please check out these releases today and buy them TOMORROW!!!


Jeff MacCallum’s Pick

Carly Weiler’s Pick

Justin Olson’s Pick

Mark Coughlan’s Pick

Nick Maas’ Pick

Nick also makes music under the name Smokes. This year he released Our Power.

Simone A. Medina Polo’s Pick

Simone also makes music as g3n3ric fr4ct4ls and recently released this EP.

Piyush Patel’s Pick

Mo Lawrance’s Pick

Noreen Hurst’s Pick

Holly-Anne Gilroy’s Pick

Joel Klaverkamp’s Pick

Joel also plays in Cookie Delicious and Robojom.