Ouri, Charlotte Cornfield, and Jeen


Frame of a Fauna // Born Twice, Lighter Than Air

Montreal’s Ouri is a true artist, in every single sense of the word. Ouri’s Frame of a Fauna, released October 22nd, 2021, fuses the harshness of industrial beats with the softness of orchestral strings and a whispering voice to create a sound that is 100% avant-garde. Don’t get me wrong, many others have tried before, but Ouri seems to offer this new work with such a rich sense of holistic artistry it is hard to imagine the future of electronic music without her as the one leading the pack. In a world of top-liners and producers yelling their own name at the beginning of a track, it’s refreshing to come by an artist who focuses on her craft with such intentionality–every single piece of this project from production and live performance to music videos and graphics is undeniably Ouri, streaming from her core in an authentic display of her talents. 

The first track, “Ossature” sets the framework for the entire album–literally defined as the structure or bones of a building or body, “Ossature” allows listeners to hear all the bones of what is to come. There is a gentle strength, a pulsing rhythm, a wave of sounds. While the lyrics may not be the central focus of the track gently dancing atop the instrumentation, a further read of the lyrics show that on top of all her other talents, Ouri is a true poet. She is unearthing something deeply moving here, which she continues to enhance by her use of strings. 

Amidst the light and dreamy sounds, Ouri continues to ground the album with the cello. Upon our arrival at track three, “Two”, Ouri gives listeners the opportunity to wake up from their daydream with a dark and moody string arrangement that leaves you aching for more. An artist including a short instrumental reprieve so near the start of the album shows that this is not a filler to their artistry, but an expression just as valid as their more developed/structured “songs”.  

I am tempted to write multiple songs as “must listens” on this album (which is obviously the sign of a great album), but highlights include “Odd or God” featuring past collaborator Mind Bath, “Chains” which offers a much more rhythmic, industrial take on a lo-fi jam, and “Shape of It”, which is arguably the greatest single from a Canadian artist in 2021. Listening to this track we see Ouri’s classical training shine through, masterfully arranging strings with her voice in a way that absolutely captivates. As a producer, DJ, cellist, visual creator and much more, it would not be shocking to hear more huge things from Ouri in the coming years, including more high-profile collaborations and top tier industry recognition. 

- Lana Winterhalt

Charlotte Cornfield 

Highs In The Minuses // Next Door Records

You will have to forgive me for a moment as the next sentence isn’t going to be G Rated! Holy sweet pajamas from hell, Charlotte Cornfield has written one of the most thought provoking, emotionally stirring, and self revealing albums I have had the pleasure of listening to in a while! No, I’m not trying to clickbait you, nor am I trying to convince you to read this review to the very end. I do; however, want to convince you to listen until the conclusion of Charlotte Cornfield's newest  album, Highs In The Minuses  - what a brilliant album title.

Charlotte Cornfield possesses a gift for writing and telling real, honest and relatable songs. She is a lyricist who can hold her own in the song writing ring. I will fall short of accurately describing to you how I’ve reacted to Highs In The Minuses - no matter how far and deep I scour the internet to find the right words. 

My process for preparing to write an album review consists of researching the artist, learning what I can, and listening to their album from beginning to end. I find it helps me acquire direction and inspiration. However, this time… this time was different. I discovered the most effective way to get to know Charlotte is to simply listen to her music. There she reveals to us her past, her struggles, her triumphs, and the questions that haunt her. She accomplishes this all while exposing her soul, and her bare skin. Her songs and the album are like watching a beautiful flower bloom. The more time you spend watching, or in this case listening, the more you realize it’s splendor. 

There are a few songs I would like to present to you from Highs In The Minuses. “Headlines”. I have stated to friends, I am not a fan of songs about the pandemic, but goddamn, if Charlotte didn’t prove me wrong ten fold! “Modern Medicine”. Remember earlier I said she reveals her past and her struggles? Well, this is the song I was referring to. Without question, of all her alluring lyrics, my favourites live in this track. She writes with absolute and impressionable imagery. Then there was “Destroy Me”. This song unquestionably captivated me, and when it ended, I was still and silent, staring aimlessly at the monitor. “My anxiety…….will it destroy me?”

Perhaps I may be able to describe Charlotte’s album to you like this - Come for the music, stay for the stories.

“Headphones. That’s the only way to listen to music. It’s all kinds of different emotions because you get real quiet and comfortable and just listen to it.” ~ Gregg Allamn

- Branton Langley


Dog Bite // Red Brick

I’ve been in a funk for some time. The world keeps spinning faster and I don’t like the pace. I’m clearing things off my plate and starting the decluttering event I like to do in the fall. Spring cleaning is great too, but there’s something about fall purging that is so satisfying. I just put on the music and go. Making room for good things to come into my life. The music chosen for my cleanse and purge is the new LP Dog Bite by Indie/Alt queen Jeen. I needed something that was upbeat and fresh. I found it with this one! 

Released on October 22nd, 2021 and co-produced with band mate Ian Blurton and Red Brick Songs. This latest LP is sure to bring some sunshine to your playlist! Dog Bite is a sweet follow up to Jeen’s Self titled LP that came out last year around this time. Don’t be fooled. It has some bite too. Like the sting of getting ink. One thing I learned of Jeen is that she has a gift for writing. Song writing in particular. She has written songs for some pretty familiar names in music like Serena Ryder, and Hawksley Workman. Jeen even had her music featured in shows like Hockey Wives, Workin’ Mom, and MTV’s Catfish. Jeen also has had her music featured in commercials for Molson, Kraft, and Estée Lauder. I said she was a queen! A queen of business and doing what she does, not letting anyone tell her what to do. She seems to be doing a good job for herself just being herself and finding a successful outlet for her writing and music! Good for you Grrl! You show them! 

“Maybe I’ll Be Gone” begins this lovely LP. It’s got a wild Chrissy Hynde vibe. Little rough and around the edges. It’s a tough grrl groove. Don’t think she’s gonna stick around taking shit from anyone. Beautiful chorus and harmonies shows its nice feminine side. Add in the sweet guitar licks and you have a perfect balance of sugar, spice, and everything nice. 

“Fair to Move On” is one of the singles released for this LP. Jeen describes as drifting apart, regret, a sad goodbye. Reflecting then finally moving on from something. Pain in the growth. Pain in letting go. But a chorus so bright and powerful. Beautiful electric guitar accompaniment and the sweet solos have a perfect place here and gives this ballad some punch. I hear hints of Tegan and Sara and that’s cool. They wrote some beautiful music. Something my kid and I listened to together. Life was simpler back then. 

“Recklessly” has a definite nu wave, synth dream feeling. Reminded me of Metric. Something to get down to at a Montreal club or even just dancing around the living room. The synthesizer and guitar compliment each other. Catchy hooks and chorus with Jeen’s sultry vocals. The cool break down at the end left me wanting more of the song. Like I was waiting for it to kick back and the beat to drop again. Oh she’s good! 

Jeen encapsulated a nice blend of party jams, heart and soul, with a little bit of blood stains on your knuckles from fighting last night. Well done Jeen. Well done! Your one dreamy fighting machine and I’m happy your building yourself an empire. Dreaming big! Go Grrl!! 

Love Always,
Green Noreen