A Farewell To Jeshaiah

This is a very special edition of the “Quick Picks” because it marks the final four albums Jeshaiah David will tackle for this segment… a segment that, only he, has ever done.

Yes it’s true, the “Quick Picks” section on the website began on December 7th, 2018 and for two years, this area on our site has belonged solely to Jeshaiah. Going this far back also marks Jeshaiah as one of our very first volunteers. I reached out to him in 2018 while he was living in France to entice him to write for Cups N Cakes. I knew him a little bit from becoming Facebook friends after an interview with his band, Soul Mates, turned into a night of drinking. From his Facebook posts, I knew he was in France with extra time on his hands. At the same time I was hoping to expand what the Cups N Cakes Network was providing for content so I reached out with a pitch. I never thought in a million years that pitch would turn into what I believe is the most important part of our site. The Quick Picks section quickly became the spot where new bands or lesser known acts could get some publicity. These acts could obtain that one essential sentence that could be added to their press sheets with a legitimate publication’s name tagged to it.

Although our site has grown in leaps and bounds, the Quick Picks section really is the essence of what the Cups N Cakes Network wanted to provide. For this, I thank Jeshaiah from the bottom of my heart. That being said, for me, the most important thing about the creation of the Quick Picks section is that I was able to gain a friend. Jeshaiah and I barely knew each other when I asked him to join the team and now, he’s the first person I’m calling when I’m crossing the border from Alberta to Saskatchewan. We forged memories together when we road tripped to Swamp Fest in Regina and I can’t wait to create some more once the pandemic is in the rearview mirror.

Thanks to Jeshaiah for everything he’s done for Cups N Cakes, but more importantly, thanks for what he’s provided the Canadian independent music scene. With his final four reviews found below, Jeshaiah will have written exactly 420 Quick Pick blurbs. For this we must deem him a hero of the Canadian music scene.

- Jeff MacCallum
Founder & Content Curator

JEANS DEGREES- Valley of the Sun

A garage/psych album named Valley of the Sun was kept secret, finished “ages ago” and was only recently made available by its composers. JEANS DEGREES held their art hostage till such a time that it would have the most leverage with audiences. That time is now.

Peeling - Worshipper

When you get in from the freezing weather and peel off your layers, keep it dark and cold with Peeling’s new album, Worshipper. It is chillingly haunting and extremely catchy and is sure to change the mind of the staunchest non-believer.  

Hit The Streets - WE’RE CURSED

‘Hit the streets’ with this rowdy group of Regina punks and join in on their destructive, duetted vocals. Their new EP, WE’RE CURSED is short and sweet and it totally rips… definition of rips?… It is loud and it is aggressive and they play fast!

LA Timpa - Modern Antics In A Deserted Place

LA Timpa will carry you to unknown areas of the soundverse with their latest release, Modern Antics In A Deserted Place. Dive into the ambience, it is the perfect album for setting aside your distractions so you can immerse yourself fully.  

- Jeshaiah David