Laura Hickli, Echo Beach, DJ Dine & Dash, & Campbell Woods

Laura Hickli - “Listen”

“Listen” is a beautiful song about overcoming struggles with mental health that Laura Hickli recorded while she was at the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity. Her stirring vocals and use of dynamic ebbs and flows give clarity to the lyrical themes in a way that is an extension of expression. 

Echo Beach - Whale Songs

This is the “Echo Beach” that isn’t far away in time, but they are a band that will take you on a little bit of a sonic trip through time (and they are from Kamloops which is pretty far for a lot of people). Their new album has fun retro vibes drenched in reverb and psychedelia that bring the good times to you.

Dj Dine & Dash - Don’t Ever Wonder

Since dining and dashing isn’t really possible right now, the release of Don’t Ever Wonder has become necessary to put food on the table for this Calgary artist. This EP will get you seriously jazzed up to have your own little private dance party.

Campbell Woods - Keeper

Campbell Woods latest full length release, titled Keeper, is a real feeler; tugging on those heartstrings with an acoustic guitar and a good dose of relatability. So if you’ve experienced the changing of the seasons and like a good storyteller, this one’s for you. 

- Jeshaiah David