Cups N Cakes Winterruption Showcase!

Today we are ecstatic to be announcing that the Cups N Cakes Network will be showcasing one of the main events at this years inaugural, Winterruption YEG!

Join us on Saturday, January 25th at the Starlite Room as we present No Age!

The bill is utterly stacked with incredible Canadian talent including Edmonton bands Electricity For Everybody and Counterfeit Jeans, Calgary’s Sunglaciers, and Abbotsford’s Blessed. The bill also includes Cups N Cakes writer, Greg Torwalt’s band, Too Soon Monsoon who are from Saskatoon. The only non-Canadian band is the Los Angeles based noise duo, No Age who will bring their eardrum shattering live show to Edmonton for the first time, headlining what will be a magical evening.

Get your wristbands immediately to secure a spot at this show that will be talked about for years to come!

Enjoy streams of all the Canadian acts below: