Single Premiere: pseudo-antigone - "Science Fiction"


pseudo-antigone is the hyperpop production moniker for interdisciplinary artists Simone A. Medina Polo, a Mexican trans-woman based in Edmonton, Alberta and one our valued volunteer writers!. Over the course of 2020, pseudo-antigone picked up the reins of her music through audio engineering and attentiveness to technical production inspired by a love of midi, PC music, and electronic experiments. Her sound draws influence from contemporary pop figures like Dorian Electra, Charli XCX, Black Dresses, BLACKSTARKIDS, 100 gecs, and A.G. Cook.

Today, we are very excited to share the first single from her forthcoming EP, entitled Things are sinking. The song is called “Science Fiction” and it boasts catchy pop beats with energetic and emotional vocal melodies. Enjoy the track below and look for Thing are sinking on January 1st.

Things are sinking in ARTWORK.png


1. Things are sinking in

2. Science Fiction

3. Vientre

4. FRIENDS! [explicit]

5. self-crit