Ben Shemie, iskwē & Tom Wilson, Sunray Minor, and Ally Cribb

Ben Shernie - Desiderata

This new album from Montreal's Ben Shernie features a collaboration with the Molinari String Quartet to form a delightful blend between the orchestral, timeless sound of classic music with the hard hitting, futuristic sounds of electronica within the album's ten tracks. This album is the textbook definition of innovation.

iskwe & Tom Wilson - Mother Love

Juno Award winning artist Iskwe teams up with Tom Wilson to create an Americana masterpiece with Mother Love. Trumpets, bluesy guitars, and their amazing harmonies are the staples of these eight tracks. Some songs such as the sixth track “Coal Mine” take a more folksy approach.

Sunray Minor - One Day, Maybe…

Montreal's Sunray Minor’s debut release is a series of vignettes that each tell their own narrative, accentuating the collage aesthetic of the album's cover. The album's sound is a versatile flavor of ever changing genres that are intercut with field recordings, animal noises, and other natural sounds.

Ally Cribb - Unbroken

Unbroken is the newest release from Toronto’s Ally Cribb, and these seven tracks take an indie pop sound to tell stories of empowerment, redemption, and looking forward despite the power of adversity. It’s a wonderful message in a catchy package. “End of August” is a song that will be stuck in my head until my days are done.

- Brandon Kruze