Nicholas Krgovich, Bonnie Trash, Babe Corner, and YlangYlang

Nicholas Krgovich - Ducks

Released on digital and vinyl, these eleven songs explore themes such as solitude and the battle against autonomy. Told through a soft, folksy package, every track adds a bit more to what had come before. This nostalgia-ridden release is what I love about modern Canadian indie pop.

Bonnie Trash - Hail, Hale!

This new release from Guelph’s Bonnie Trash is drone rock at its finest. This release holds a synergy from Italian-Canadian twin sisters that only siblings can find. With a foreboding horror vibe, each song is a nice blend of heavy riffs with ominous drones. An excellent single, through and through.

Babe Corner - Crybaby

This debut album from Vancouver’s Babe Corner features catchy guitar riffs, beautiful harmonies, and a soothing vibe all the way through. This album is also on digital and vinyl to please music fans of all sorts. This is an all-around feel-good release to vibe out to.

YlangYlang - Only by moonlight

This release features the abstract nature of ambient music, with hints of vocals and structure throughout. This release feels like exploring a barren landscape ripe with history and lore, all waiting for someone to brush off the dust. Liminal and experimental, this is a release for those looking for a real trip.

- Brandon Kruze